Benefit - What's It Gonna Be

The girls haven't had any chart success in the UK, but their first single, "Sex Sells" was released in the Lebanon in 2002, and spent 6 weeks at #1. The follow up single "What's It Gonna Be" achieved the same feat later that year. On top of this, the girls performed at a few music festivals in the Middle East, and they have the distinction of being the first western group to ever perform live in Syria.
The girls had problems with their UK record company Edel. Both singles were promoed in the UK, but neither got a proper release. I did however manage to pick up a copy of "What's It Gonna Be" online. Their album was also due to be released in the Middle East, but I haven't been able to locate it anywhere.
"What's It Gonna Be" is a Latino-tinged track, which reminds me a little of something that Geri Halliwell would do. Shame the girls never got the proper chance to try to repeat their foreign success in their homeland...

I remember this one. It was on MTV Hits' Fresh Hits show a lot, when that show used to be the best thing on TV ignoring all the big bands in favour of the biggest no hopers they could find. I discovered Sita and Amy Studt (many months before she even released Just A Little Girl) from it.
Their album WAS released here in Greece but I never bought it, silly me! Want me to have a look at the shoos for a remaining dusty copy?
Oh yes please! I would love a copy of it if you could get your hands on one for me! E-mail me at if you have any luck!
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