Hello everyone and welcome back to Girls On Pop! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but my old PC died on me and I had to start again and buy an brand new one, as it wasn't worth the hassle of trying to fix it yet again. So I have a brand spanking new one with loads of Hard Drive space and a 19 inch monitor - as they say bigger is better!
Anyway we're back with the blog with a brand new track taken from the new album by Swedish diva Lena Philipsson, or Lena Ph for short. I'm sure most of you will know who she is, but for those of you who don't, Lena is one of Sweden's biggest pop stars at the moment, enjoying a resurgence in popularity over the past year or so. Lena was born on 19th January 1966 and will be celebrating her 40th birthday in a few months!
In fact Lena has been going since taking part in a Swedish TV talent show in 1982, and has been releasing music since 1986, when she took part in Melodifestivlen with "Kärleken Är Evig" where she came 2nd. She tried again in 1987 with the now classic "Dansa I Neon" which could only come 5th, but went on to be a massive hit. After coming 2nd in 1988 with "Om Igen", she concentrated on releasing albums every few years including "Talking In Your Sleep" in 1988 and "Fantasy" in 1993, recording in both Swedish and English, with her later output in mostly English.
In 2004, after a break of a few years, Lena took part in Melodifestivalen again with "Det Gör Ont" ("It Hurts") which went on to win (beating Girls On Pop! fave Shirley Clamp) and Lena's popularity exploded, helped immensley by a fantastic new album "Det Gör Ont En Stund På Natten Men Inget På Dan" (what a mouthful!) and she had further hits with "Delirium", "Lena Anthem" and "På Gatan Där Jag Bor" ("On The Street Where I Live"). The album went on to be one of the biggest sellers in Sweden in 2004.
Cut to 2005, and Lena is back with a brand new album, "Jag Ångrar Ingenting" ("I Regret Nothing") and has just had a hit with "Unga Pojkar Och Äldre Män" ("Young Boys And Older Men") and is about to have another smash with "Han Jobbar I Affär" ("He Works In A Shop"(!) Thomas Orup, whom Lena has worked with on the last 2 albums is known for his lyrics, which may be lost on those of you who don't speak any Swedish, but take it from me, even although my Swedish is still at a basic level, they certainly are funny!
"Jag Ångrar Ingenting" is the title track from the album and is an uptempo Electro-pop stomper. Hopefully it will be released as a single at a later date, but if you like what you hear, please buy the album as it is completely ace or as Swedes say "Jättebra!"